New Members Evening

Tuesday 11th March

New Members Evening

We are delighted that you are considering becoming a member of the Outboard Boating Club. Our members are very proud of our Club for which we actively encourage new membership.  The application and joining process is an easy three step process: 

  1. Complete a New Member Application Form (print here)
  2. Attend at a New Member Orientation Evening (register here) both new and returning members must attend
  3. Undertake a OBC Vessel Safety Inspection (must pass)

Joining the OBC generally takes less than 3 weeks provided the steps above are attended to promptly. 


  1. Attend the next New Member Orientation Evening (held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month, 6:00pm for an hour and a half).
  2. If new members do not know existing OBC members to propose and/or second their membership, the club can help with this, either at the New Members Orientation evening, or by contacting the OBC office.
  3. Make a booking for a Vessel Safety inspection on a Saturday following the New Member Orientation evening that you plan to attend.  (Bookings can be made either at the OBC Office or by phone)

